[ 強尼佈告欄 ]
今天禮拜一, 沒blue才是有病啊

牛排之中, 強尼特別愛吃肋眼牛排(Ribeye). 因為他在肉塊周圍的油脂, 會讓他吃起來特別多汁. 除此之外, 肋眼牛排的肉質剛好是我喜歡的, 軟硬適中, 回味無窮啊! 大部分肋眼牛排都是用火烤的比較多, 但是這次我適著用鍋子煎看看(其實是懶的刷烤肉架)

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How fiercely I want to hang out for some shopping or some exercise in the sunshine-filled gym, but there are just too many great football games going on that I can't help to flip the channels in order to catch all the great moments.

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正妹突然問我 (原來我還沒被封鎖! Q__Q )

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情人之間的相處, 如果能給對方一個Principle#1, 那也許是一件很有幫助的事情.

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